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  • America & the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference
  • American Expression: Radio Priest
  • Divide & Conquer (Why We Fight Part II)
  • Present Memory-Part 1: Changes 1920-1967
  • Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die?
  • Anschluss +50 Years
  • Lilly: An Eyewitness Account of the Annexation of Austria
  • American Expression: Radio Priest
  • Anschluss +50 Years
  • Blood in the Face
  • Blum Affair (Affaire Blum)
  • Camera of My Family
  • Cross and the Star
  • Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)
  • False Dawn (Struggle for Poland Series)
  • Fascism: Rise of Hitler
  • In Dark Places
  • Longest Hatred: History of Anti-Semitism
  • Nasty Girl
  • Shtetl (Part I & Part II)
  • Shtetl (Part III)
  • Ugly Face of Freedom
  • Upon the Head of the Goat
  • Vienna is Different
  • We Must Never Forget: The Story of the Holocaust
  • Witnesses: Anti-Semitism in Poland 1946
  • Armenian Case
  • Armenian Genocide
  • Armenian Journey
  • Back to Ararat
  • Forgotten Genocide
  • Art and Remembrance: The Legacy of Felix Nussbaum
  • Degenerate Art
  • Holocaust & the Resistance
  • Is There Poetry After Auschwitz?
  • Journey of the Butterfly
  • Light and Shadow
  • My Brother's Keeper
  • Precious Legacy
  • Scenes From the Holocaust
  • Theresienstadt - Gateway to Auschwitz
  • To Mend the World
  • Witness and Legacy
  • Auschwitz and the Allies
  • Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
  • Choosing One's Way: Resistance in Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Death Camps
  • Eyes From the Ashes
  • Father's Return to Auschwitz
  • Fragments of Isabella
  • Holocaust: Liberation of Auschwitz
  • Journey Back
  • Kitty: Return to Auschwitz
  • Liberation of Auschwitz (1945)
  • Music of Auschwitz
  • Mystery of Josef Mengele
  • Never Forget
  • Persecuted and Forgotten (The Gypsies of Auschwitz)
  • Sorrow: The Nazi Legacy
  • Suicide of a Camp Survivor: The Case of Primo Levi
  • A Teenager's Experience (The Holocaust)
  • Triumph of the Spirit
  • Anschluss +50 Years
  • Ebensee
  • Friendship in Vienna
  • Lilly: An Eyewitness Account of the Annexation of Austria
  • On My Way to Father's Land
  • Real Julia
  • Servus, Adieu, Shalom: Jewish Life in Vienna
  • Vienna is Different

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Babi Yar
  • Forest of Valor
  • Ladies' Tailor
  • Nazis: Nazi War Crimes
Barbie, Klaus
  • Children of Izieu
  • Hotel Terminus
  • As If it Were Yesterday
  • Bergen-Belsen, United States Congress Tour of Camps in 1945
  • Bergen-Belsen, Woebbelin & Gardelegen Massacres
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories & Perspectives
  • Breaking the Silence
  • Buchenwald - Liberator Meets Survivor
  • Death Camps
  • Memory of a Moment
  • Opening the Gates of Hell

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  • Both Sides of the Wire
  • Charlie Grant's War
  • Ambulance
  • Children from Villa Emma
  • Children in the Holocaust
  • Children of Izieu
  • Children Remember the Holocaust
  • Daniel's Story
  • Field of Buttercups
  • Hannaleh's Rescue
  • Heil Hitler! Confessions of Hitler Youth
  • I Never Saw Another Butterfly
  • Journey of the Butterfly
  • Korczak
  • Miracle at Moreaux
  • My Knees Were Jumping
  • Preserving the Past to Insure the Future
  • Rose Garden
  • Stolen Childhood
  • A Teenager's Experience (The Holocaust)
  • Terezin Diary
  • Theresienstadt Gateway to Auschwitz
  • Through Our Eyes: Children of the Holocaust
  • Tsvi Nussbaum: A Boy From Warsaw
  • Under the Domim Tree
  • War and Love
  • Cross and the Star
  • Papal Concert to Commemorate the Holocaust
Concentration Camps
  • Auschwitz and the Allies
  • Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
  • Bergen-Belsen, United States Congress Tour of Camps in 1945
  • Bergen-Belsen, Woebbelin & Gardelegen Massacres
  • Breaking the Silence
  • Buchenwald - Liberator Meets Survivor
  • Choosing One's Way: Resistance in Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Dachau
  • Death Camps
  • Death March of the Jews from the Camp at Flossenburg
  • Drancy: A Concentration Camp in Paris, 1941-9144
  • Ebensee
  • Escape From Sobibor
  • Excerpts From My Journal
  • From the Ashes
  • Hannaleh's Rescue
  • Hitler's Henchman
  • Holocaust & Bioethics: When Research is Evil
  • Holocaust: Liberation of Auschwitz
  • Janovska: The Camp at Lvov
  • Liberation of Auschwitz (1945)
  • Liberation of KZ Dachau
  • Memorandum
  • Memory of a Moment
  • Memory of the Camps
  • Nazi Concentration Camps
  • Night and Fog
  • Nordhausen
  • Nordhausen, Dachau
  • Opening the Gates of Hell
  • Painful Reminder
  • Past and Present
  • Prisoners of War
  • Remembering the Darkness: The Sarah Lichtman Story
  • Robert Clary: A5714 - A Memory of Liberation
  • Scenes From the Holocaust
  • Sobibor: Tom Blatt's Documentaries
  • Stolen Childhood
  • Transport 222
  • Triumph of Memory
  • We Were There: Jewish Liberators of the Nazi Concentration Camps
  • Witness and Legacy (The Nazis)
  • Woebbelin, Ohrdruf, Gunskirchen Lager
  • Woebbelin, Witness to the Holocaust Project
  • At the Crossroads: Jews in Eastern Europe Today
  • Chasing Shadows
  • Diamonds of the Night/A Bite to Eat
  • Father's Return to Auschwitz
  • Precious Legacy
  • Shop on Main Street
  • Terezin Diary
  • Theresienstadt 1941-1945
  • Young Pioneers

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  • Dachau
  • Death Camps
  • From Hawaii to the Holocaust: A Shared Moment in History
  • Liberation of KZ Dachau
  • Nordhausen, Dachau
  • Opening the Gates of Hell
Death March
  • Death March of the Jews from the Camp at Flossenburg
Demjanjuk, John
  • Demjanuk Trial: A Moment in History
  • State of Israel vs. John Ivan Demjanjuk
  • Act of Faith
  • Bookseller
  • Danish Resistance: The Power of Conscience & the Rescue of the Jews
  • Day in October
  • Number the Stars
  • Only Way
  • Rescue in Scandinavia
Displaced Persons
  • Displaced Persons
  • Exodus to Israel
  • Journey Into Life (Part I)
  • Journey Into Life (Part II)
  • Journey Into Life (Part III)
  • Last Sea
  • On My Way to Father's Land
  • Return to Life
  • Reunion
  • Ambulance
  • Assisi Underground
  • Attic
  • Au Revoir Les Enfants
  • Bookseller
  • Charlie Grant's War
  • Children from Villa Emma
  • Countdown to War
  • Debajo Del Mundo
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • Escape From Sobibor
  • Europa, Europa
  • Fragments of Isabella
  • I Never Saw Another Butterfly
  • Interrogation in Budapest
  • Jacoba
  • Joseph Schultz
  • Judgment at Nuremberg
  • Ladies' Tailor
  • Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
  • Never Forget
  • Nightmare
  • Plot to Kill Hitler
  • Rose Garden
  • Schindler's List
  • Skokie
  • Visas That Saved Lives

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  • Anne Frank in Maine
  • Anne Frank Remembered
  • Holocaust in a Catholic Educational Setting
Eichmann, Adolf
  • Eichmann: The Nazi Fugitive
  • Force of Evil
  • Holocaust: The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
  • Hunt for Adolf Eichmann
  • Trial of Adolf Eichmann
  • Trial of Adolf Eichmann
  • Trial of Adolf Eichman -1961
  • Verdict for Tomorrow
  • Exiles
  • Safe Haven
  • Voyage of the Damned
  • Voyage of the St. Louis
  • Holocaust & Bioethics: When Research is Evil
  • Restless Conscience
  • Of Pure Blood
  • Ambulance
  • Auschwitz and the Allies
  • Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
  • Majdanek 1944
  • Memory of the Camps

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  • Fascism: Rise of Hitler
  • First World War & the Rise of Fascism
  • Garden of Finzi-Continis
  • Second World War
  • Blum Affair (Affaire Blum)
  • Boat is Full
  • Daniel's Story
  • David
  • Day in October
  • Diamonds of the Night/A Bite to Eat
  • Forbidden
  • Friendship in Vienna
  • Garden of Finzi-Continis
  • Great Dictator
  • Holocaust: Part I
  • Holocaust: Part II
  • Holocaust: Part III
  • In the Beginning
  • In the Presence of Mine Enemies
  • Jewish Wife
  • Korczak
  • Les Miserables
  • Max and Helen
  • Miracle at Moreaux
  • Mr. Klein
  • Nasty Girl
  • Number the Stars
  • Only Way
  • Oppermans (2 Parts)
  • Pedestrian
  • Quarrel
  • Resort '76 - Theater at Lehigh
  • Revolt of Job
  • Shop on Main Street
  • Station of Sorrow
  • Stranger
  • Triumph of the Spirit
  • Under the Domim Tree
  • Wannsee Conference
  • War and Love
  • White Rose
  • Voyage of the Damned
Final Solution
  • Genocide
  • Genocide (Story of Man's Inhumanity to Man)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 12 "The Final Solution" (1941-1942)
  • Wannsee Conference
  • Au Revoir Les Enfants
  • Children of Izieu
  • Drancy: A Concentration Camp in Paris, 1941-1944
  • Legacy of Goodness
  • Link and the Chain
  • Sorrow and the Pity
  • Station of Sorrow
  • Weapons of the Spirit
  • Weapons of the Spirit (Classroom Version)
Frank, Anne
  • Anne Frank in Maine
  • Anne Frank Remembered
  • Attic
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • Just a Diary
  • Last Seven Days of Anne Frank
  • Legacy of Anne Frank
  • Life of Anne Frank
  • World of Anne Frank

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.
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